Drug Addiction: Choice or Disease?: Essay Example , 677 words

If the parents are not there in an attuned, nonstressed way to regulate them, self-regulation never develops. If they’re stressed to begin with, then they are going to go for anything to reduce the stress. For example, it is true that most substance use begins with a decision (although in many cases substance use began with a prescription from a doctor for a real medical problem and evolved into use). They argue that before one develops addiction, he/she must choose to use the substance, which effectively means choosing addiction.

  • Behavioral therapies can be delivered through individual counseling, group therapy, or family sessions, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to recovery.
  • Additionally, factors such as pollution can affect cognitive function, especially in children.
  • This decision has largely been influenced by overwhelming evidence showing how addiction affects brain function by changing it and progressively forcing a person to crave more of the substance.
  • Environmental factors also significantly contribute to the risk of developing addiction.
  • But maybe it robs us of the sense that we can overcome it through our courage and our creativity—something you can hardly do with a real disease.
  • Over time, the individual may need to engage in the behavior more frequently or intensely to achieve the same effect, leading to a cycle of addiction.

Initial Use vs. Chronic Use

  • In fact, there’s a direct link between how many adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)5 someone has and their likelihood of developing addiction as an adult.
  • This collective effort to confront stigma is essential in fostering effective interventions for those grappling with addiction.
  • By analyzing genomic data from over 1 million individuals, scientists have identified genes commonly inherited across various addiction disorders, which underscores a biological predisposition towards addiction 3.
  • Adolescents and young adults are particularly vulnerable because their brains are still developing, which can lead to lasting changes in brain function.
  • If you’re struggling with both addiction and your mental health, it’s important to find a specialized program that can effectively treat both at the same time.

Uncover why prescription drugs are so commonly abused, from misuse to prevention strategies. Discover how sober living communities in Kansas transform lives and support addiction recovery journeys. Discover how do drugs affect brain chemistry, revealing the truth behind addiction and pathways to recovery. Discover how to stop phone addiction for students with effective tips to boost academic performance and mental health. Recognize delirium tremens symptoms, understand treatment options, and learn prevention strategies. Explore rebounding from addiction relapse with purpose, utilizing support and strategies for lasting recovery.

The Connection Between Hobbies and Mental Wellness During Sobriety

An era where compassion meets cutting-edge neuroscience, and where hope is fueled by a deeper understanding of the brain’s role in addiction. Commonly, relapse rates may exceed 50% within 6 months of completion of initially successful treatment (McClellan, McKay, Forman, Cacciola, & Kemp, 2005). While agreeing that treatment relapse is common, Heyman notes that treatment itself is not common. Chapter 2 presents epidemiological findings about the development and characteristics of drug addiction.

  • This includes individuals who had a spouse or sibling who used drugs, as exposure to substance use within the family environment can increase the probability of drug use.
  • Both types of addiction can result in significant distress and impairment, affecting the individual’s relationships, work, and overall wellbeing.
  • While the people who believe it’s a choice because some people can stop on their own make a point, the fact is that most people cannot stop on their own – they need professional help to begin their recovery.
  • Proponents of the choice argument often cite instances of individuals who have overcome addiction through sheer willpower and determination.
  • Explore the facts about drinking and pregnancy to empower moms-to-be with informed choices and safe alternatives.

Challenges and Controversies: The Ongoing Debate

Over time, the individual may need to engage in the behavior more frequently or intensely to achieve the same effect, leading to a cycle of addiction. The disease model works against the stigma of addiction, and highlights the need for effective treatment approaches that cater to each person’s needs. While people who live with mental health issues might use substances to cope with their symptoms, substance use itself https://northiowatoday.com/2025/01/27/sober-house-rules-what-you-should-know-before-moving-in/ can also lead to—or worsen—mental health problems. A key player in all this is the reward system, a network of brain regions activated by pleasurable experiences, including addictive behaviors and substance use. This system releases neurotransmitters like dopamine, which reinforces those pleasurable experiences and motivates us to repeat them.

The Benefits of Gardening in Addiction Recovery

If opioid addiction is impacting your life or the life of someone you care about, reach out to our treatment center. We are here to provide the support and care you need to take the first step toward recovery. Some people who believe addiction is a choice also don’t take into consideration that some people are addicted to opioids because of a painkiller prescription that was given to them by their doctor. Due to the addictive nature of these medicines, they unwillingly became dependent on these powerful drugs by following their doctor’s orders. Reducing stigma is also essential for individuals with addiction to seek help without fear of judgment or discrimination. This can be achieved through education and awareness campaigns that challenge misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding addiction.

is addiction a disease or choice debate

Discover ways yoga helps with recovery, enhancing both physical healing and mental wellness on your journey. Psilocybin from “magic mushrooms” has been found in studies to ease the depression and Sober House Rules: What You Should Know Before Moving In anxiety of individuals with cancer and terminal illnesses. Taylor Swift’s lyrics explore the emotional complexity of drinking alcohol, from joy to heartbreak. Join 40,000+ People Who Receive Our Newsletter Get valuable resources on addiction, recovery, wellness, and our treatments delivered directly to your inbox. Unravel the difference between alcohol use vs. alcoholism, its risks, and its impact on diverse populations. Explore Cory Monteith battling addiction, his journey, struggles, and the lasting impact on those he loved.

The Alarming Consequences of Leaving Drug and Alcohol Rehab Early

For example, treating drug use as a public health issue rather than a criminal activity can help destigmatize addiction and encourage a more compassionate approach to treatment. Recognizing that addiction often affects diverse populations differently is also crucial. For instance, Black individuals and other communities of color face disproportionate rates of arrest for drug-related offenses despite similar usage rates compared to white individuals. Understanding these factors is crucial in the ongoing debate surrounding the question, ‘is addiction a choice or a disease? ‘ Recognizing the role of genetics and biological influences can help to shift public perception and promote more effective approaches to prevention and treatment. When someone first tries drugs or alcohol, it’s a decision they’ve made to ingest a certain substance.

Some of the services that partial hospitalization programs may include are:

is addiction a disease or choice debate

The less stigma there is around addiction, the easier it is for people to seek help without fear of judgment. A comprehensive understanding of addiction goes beyond the disease-versus-choice debate. There’s a difference between the initial choice to use a substance and the loss of control that characterizes addiction. While the initial decision to use a substance might be a conscious one, addiction itself is not. Certain cultures may normalize heavy drinking9 or social drug use, creating an environment where experimentation seems acceptable. This can be especially risky for teens, who are more susceptible to peer pressure and may underestimate the potential for addiction.

is addiction a disease or choice debate

Regardless, however, of which estimates are correct, the absolute number of current and former addicts is very large. However large that population may be, research reliably confirms that only a relatively small percentage, 25% or less, of those meeting criteria for drug abuse or dependence ever seek and receive treatment. In recent years, researchers have started to term drug addiction as a disease other than a simple behavioral choice. This decision has largely been influenced by overwhelming evidence showing how addiction affects brain function by changing it and progressively forcing a person to crave more of the substance.

The biopsychosocial model highlights the importance of personalized treatment plans in addiction recovery. Because everyone’s journey with addiction is unique and shaped by so many factors, treatment needs to address your specific needs. If you’re a woman recovering from PTSD, for example, you might feel safer discussing what you’re going through in a women-only therapy group. If your religion is your preferred path to healing, you might benefit from faith-based addiction treatment. The disease model of addiction11 views this disorder as a chronic illness, similar to conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

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You’ll need to answer a few questions about your business and provide us with a little more information about yourself in order to get approved to accept online payments. 1 Payouts are processed in 1-2 business days for credit card payments and 1-7 business days for bank payments. Deposit times may vary due to processing cutoff times, third party delays, or risk reviews. This free, easy-to-use accounting software is great for small businesses, especially for eCommerce, but lacks in project management, budgeting, and inventory tracking.

Accept credit cards

Track customer views and invoice payments in the Wave dashboard so you always know where you stand with sellers, property managers, buyers and renters. They get the flexibility of paying you via credit card, bank payment, and Apple Pay; you get a reputation as a polished professional. When everything is neatly where it belongs, tax time is simple.

Apply to accept online payments

Wave also supports multiple businesses, additional users (with four permission levels), and personal finance tracking. Make it easier for your customers to pay you right from their bank account. Our money management tools are easy to use separately and more powerful together.

“Wave invoicing makes your life a whole lot easier and takes that worry off you. I’ve tried Quickbooks—it’s a bit more complicated and technical, and takes more time to set up.” Our (non-judgmental) team of bookkeeping, accounting, and payroll experts is standing by to coach you—or do the work for you. By providing feedback on how we can improve, you can earn gift cards and get early access to new features. Wave discontinued its integration with PayPal in 2020 — however, that doesn’t mean Wave doesn’t work with PayPal. For businesses that want to connect Wave and PayPal, Zapier is a viable option.

Negative Wave Reviews & Complaints

Have an eye on the big picture so you can make better decisions. Our accounting reports are easy to use and show monthly or yearly comparisons, so you can easily https://intuit-payroll.org/ identify cash flow trends. Wave’s smart dashboard efficiently organizes your income, expenses, payments, and invoices for fast and accurate tax preparation.

In the meantime, though, check out these top Wave alternatives to fully explore your accounting software options. Like Wave, QuickBooks Online is easy-to-use, cloud-based accounting software. QuickBooks Online boasts a robust set of features, including advanced options like project management and inventory features you won’t find with Wave. QuickBooks Online also has hundreds of integrations, connecting your accounting solution with other small business software and apps.